Yes. The Tea Party demand for Obama's "real" birth crceifitate is based on the belief that he was born in a foreign country (Kenya) to a foreign citizen father and an American mother and that is not enough to qualify him for natural born American citizenship and therefore disqualifies him from the presidency. These are exactly the same as the circumstances of Cruz's birth: Born in foreign country( Canada) to foreign citizen father and American mother. Since Cruz believes himself to be a qualified natural born citizen eligible for the presidency, when can we expect him to make a clear statement that he rejects as entirely invalid the birthers' contention that Obama, is not a natural born citizen? When will he proclaim his firm belief that Obama meets the standard of natural born citizenship? Alternately, when will the Tea Party/birther folks start turning up in droves on all the rightie talk shows and in all the rightie blogs proclaiming Cruz must be barred from the presidency for the same reasons they believe that Obama must be excluded?Anybody holding their breath?
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