Shopping Center- $5USD (3day pass)
Custom mount- $5 UDD
MONEY 100k- $5USD
level 70 - $5USD
T7 (includes a weapon)- $15 USD
Lvl85+item+100k money- $15 USD
Legendary item of your choice (excludes any donator item)- $2 USD
1 legendary Donator mount, all talent points,a full set of Daedric, Scraxx, or Spectrum armor (donator v2),2 skills of your choice that are not for your class. (i.e. a warrior could get stealth or a mage could get Greater Healing), 3 day pass shop center- $50
Make a WEAPON!(Design a custom weapon and we will place it in the server- $50
Some thing here you want thats not listed?? contact a staff member to see if its available!
please keep in mind that you are NOT i repeat NOT buying these items, your simply being rewarded for your generous giving
By donating you agree to these TERMS
your name+ paypal email
**The shopping center is a huge area that has:
trainers for all classes and professions
Vendors that have 99% of the items (gm items excluded)
and portals to other custom areas