For anyone thats actually payed attention to felco (I pitty you). He seems to be under the assumption that 2 of our donators, Shiv and Bubbleoseven, have and abuse special commands that others dont have. Namely the ability to .summon and .revive people. Frankly that isn't true. The thing felco didnt know is Nate was the one to summon him and .revive him.
Why you ask? Well frankly we cant stand felco. He's a retarted little fucktard who should have been killed with his own umbilical cord.
So next time felco get the facts before accusing people of hacking/cheating/abusing powers. Because it was the ADMIN staff that fucked you over not 2 random donators.
*EDIT 1* This is the exact reason why nate just closed your pathetic spamming retarded thread.
I liked her answer that she just didn't want to deal with pepole over seas because it's too much trouble better. I know you didn't mean it coz you're a sweetheart, but this answer is really condescending. I buy from overseas at least 5 times a week and know all about how we get screwed on exchange rates. I'm not stupid (Specially from the UK! Man, that's expensive!)Anyway, if she ever does put them up for sale again and makes them available to the world, I'd definately be interested in a few of the cards.Yah, I come by now and then and see all the lovlies you share. I do thank you for your generosity with all the pix and stories! 0 likes
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