GUILD HOUSES!! BUY your prime property now!!! WHAT IT IS:
Guild house for you/Guild
Where they are:
they will be placed in non-developed land along with ports: we will place guards there so raiding can be fun
What to get:
Small house
Tree house
Light tower
Large Guild house
Retail prices:
Small house: Free for non donators (very low/none upgrades)
tree house:$5
Light tower $4
Large Guild house:$10
*treehouse,tower,Large guild house owners have a small ($1) property tax per month
tree house,tower and guild house can be equipped with various items/npcs!
Comes standard (more can be hired)
small house: none
Tree house- 2 npcs, 1 portal, Sign
Light tower- 1 npc, 1 portal,sign
Large Guild house- 4 npcs, 3 portals,sign
Pimp items:
1 Portals- $2
1 NPC- $2
Other game object - $1
Guards- $2
Have fun donators and non donators