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Best Event Ideas
SilentDate: Tuesday, 2007-08-07, 6:32 PM | Message # 1
has a life
Group: Checked
Messages: 63
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2.Event types:

1v1 PVP
-Fights will be held regardless of players alignment (horde or allies)
-Fights will be held simultaneously in the Stranglethorn Vale and Blade Edge mountains arenas
-Every player will have a single fight with each available players at their level range (+/-3levels)
-Every player can quit at any time he or she wants with no penalties following.
-For every victory at the arena, a player is granted 1 Victory point (VP)
-Allowed: everything except potions!

Team PVP[/size] (3V3 / 5V5 / 8V8)
-Fights will be held between Alliance and Horde members.
-Fights will be held in different areas, clean of mobs, where both teams do not have a direct line of sight to their opponents at their start location
-Free rules of engagement, potions are allowed, NO RESURRECTION SPELLS!
-Every team should select a team leader, who is responsible for distributing the VPs.
-The victorious team leader is granted as many VPs as players participated in his team +1(If alliance team, consisting of 5 players. wins - the team leader is granted 6 points to distribute among his team members, no matter if they survived the fight or not.
-The defeated team leader is granted as many VPs as enemy players were slain during the fight -1. (If alliance team loses the fight, but managed to kill 3 horde players, the alliance team leader is granted 2 VPs to distribute.

Death race PVP (4V4 / 6V6)
-Fights will be held between Alliance and Horde members.
-Fights will be held at the race track in Shimmering Flats - Thousand needles.
-Main goal is to reach the finishing line before your opponents do (yeah you are shocked, i know )
-Usage of positive buffs/spells/skills is NOT allowed (such as but not limited to "aspect of cheetah", "ghost wolf", "blink", "cat form")
-Usage of negative buffs/spells/skills is allowed and required (such as but not limited to "frost nova" "slow" "cyclone" "entangling roots" "sap" "binding totem")
-Usage of debuff spells is allowed (unless they give a player a speed/space advantage (blink))
-The winner is awarded with 2VPs.
-If the race is 4V4 - the player who finishes 2nd, receives 1VP, if the race is 6V6, 1VP get those who finish 2nd and 3rd
-Potions and any spells, attacks and effects causing direct damage to the opposite team are allowed.

Beat the crap outta the GM
-Fights will be held on the GM island.
-Both teams are aiming to kill the GM from the opposite faction. (Horde team attacks the Ally GM and vice versa)
-GMs start close to each other with equal armor, health and damage output values. They will attack and cast spells without using their GM powers and WILL NOT attack each other.
-Free rules of engagement - All spells and attacks against the other team are allowed, so is healing and buffing the friendly GM, usage of potions, resurrection spells and so on.
-The victorious team leader receives and distributes VPs in the same manner as was described for the team PVP

Boss slaughter
-Because we are unable to control the loot or the players greed, bosses will NOT be spawned in events.
-This happens because in the last event certain players, at 4X level with utterly no contribution for the boss defeat looted several epic items despite my direct orders for everyone not to loot more then one item. Such manner of gameplay is totally unfair to all players who aim to earn VPs using their skills and knowledge of the game, therefore i can not allow it.

Sieges and castle/fort assaults
-In progress. Any ideas on this one will be appreciated.

3. Rewards
-5VPs = A green item of your choice up to 3levels higher than your current level.
-10VPs = A blue item with same conditions
-20VPs = A purple item.

-Each VP = 10gold which will be payed after the event SEPARATELY from the items rewards.
-Additionally those who show impressive skills and abilities will be awarded a cool and unique tabard (but they will be really rare and rewarded for only outstanding performance)

-VPs will be the only system used in the events for players to earn items.
-Item rewards shall be requested by either a forum PM to me or via the in-game mail system. I will make sure those messages are promptly and immediately answered.
-VPs can be accumulated from one event to another, with no limitations here - it will be done automatically for all the players unless they request an item reward.

Lord-FelcoDate: Wednesday, 2007-08-08, 3:05 AM | Message # 2
Group: Removed

Staircase Event - Originally from Burning WoW: Spawn a staircase of gameobjects (ID 177724) with bosses along the way, keys to collect, doors to open, etc. First person to the top wins.
SilentDate: Wednesday, 2007-08-08, 1:55 PM | Message # 3
has a life
Group: Checked
Messages: 63
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
NO way causes to much lag we could spawn doors and have poeple run all about the world to get there. we could use ZG temple and do it that way
Lord-FelcoDate: Wednesday, 2007-08-08, 6:42 PM | Message # 4
Group: Removed

Actually gameobjects don't make lag smile I've done this event on WoW Power, which had much worse latency and yet could still handle it.
HoggerDate: Wednesday, 2007-08-08, 11:41 PM | Message # 5
Active member
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100% true what felco said... i myself have my own Game object Palace in a secluded area smile

SilentDate: Thursday, 2007-08-09, 0:45 AM | Message # 6
has a life
Group: Checked
Messages: 63
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Can I see it Please. I wnat to see your great work
Lord-FelcoDate: Thursday, 2007-08-09, 2:42 AM | Message # 7
Group: Removed

game object palace? I want to see that wink

Message edited by Lord-Felco - Friday, 2007-08-10, 10:30 AM
NovusDate: Saturday, 2007-09-08, 9:27 AM | Message # 8
has a life
Group: Checked
Messages: 50
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Well concerning Boss fights what if the GM Pulls it 1st thusly no1 gets the Loot but u can still have a fight without greedy players not bothering to fight or taking everything?

And iff ppl do loot more then 1 thing they shud be punished in some way to stop them doing it again

You need an Army to take me!!!....or a GM or Donator >.<
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