Fixed the damn druid speed crap -remade spell on cast trigger. It might not be the last version of it, have to discuss it with Capt about it to go with his changes. This should reenable a looot of spell functionality.
Fixed Skills: NTY
-warrior - berserker rage fixed
-remade aura stalked : now it will interrupt spell casting and also add the silenced effect
- warrior - pummel
- warrior - shield bash
warrior - sweeping strikes
- warrior - Rampage - should stack up effect now
- warlock - soulstone resurection - last rank
- warlock(demonology) - firestone -
*Druid: Feral Swiftness, Teleport:Moonglade, Primal Fury.
*Global: Shapeshifting
*Mage: Presence of Mind
*Priest: Inner Focus
*Shaman: Nature's Swiftness
*Rogue: Kidney Shot
*Warrior: Improved Berserker Rage
- warrior - pummel - (pvp test only)
- warrior - shield bash - (pvp test only)
- warrior - Rampage
- warrior - shield slam
- warrior berserker rage
- warrior improved berserker rage
- warlock(demonology) - firestone procchance set to 50%
*Druid: Frenzied Regeneration, Leader of the Pack
*Rogue: Seal Fate
*Priest: Mind Control
-druid - shred
-druid - ravage.
-druid - mangle.
-mage - Magic Absorption
-mage - Arcane Concentration.
-mage - frost warding.
-mage - molten armor.
-fix to ressurection sickness and alike spells.
- warlock(demonology) - Enslave Demon - well it will not rush you but you can't control it yet
- druid - omen of clarity
- druid - shred
- druid - ravage
- druid - Mangle
- druid - hearth of wild
- priest - Reflective Shield
-fixed stealth outside groups.
rogue - combat potency - require weapon and apply only for successful attack.(Disabled)
-paladin - Blessing of Light.
- paladin - Seal of Wisdom
- paladin - Spiritual Attunement.
- mage - Arcane Concentration - clearcasting is not working yet
- mage - molten armor
- mage - Improved Counterspell
- mage - Detect Magic - have no idea how to test this.I can see beneficial spells all the time :S
* fixed feign death
* fixed tame beast etc..
other crap
* tweaks to transport code, more accurate
* transports will play the ring-a-ding when coming into the dock now
* players will dismount upon entering a transport
* players won't be able to mount while on a transpor
* fixed spell loop on druid shapeshift
* fixed spell crashes
* fixed more spell crashes.
* added lag compensation to transporter time. should stop desyncs..
-druid - omen of clarity
* mages aoe for example will no longer affect team members in an arena match
* w00t! creatures now support channel object and channel spell linking! means those evil blood elves can have their lasers coming out of their eyes into the crystals.. yeah.. something like that.
* fixed a possible misuse of anti-teleport hack causing disconnections
* logonserver now supports auth reconnect. you can enter world, jump back to the character list and choose another realm now.
* fixed pet naming
* fixed name generation